rebuild cost valuations


Rebuild Cost Valuations Insurance Explained

At Brooks Braithwaite we pride ourselves in assisting clients to obtain cover that is based on accurate and up to date sums insured in order to prevent disputes with insurers in the event of a claim. In respect of buildings sum insured this should be based on the rebuild value not the purchase price or market value.

If you are over-insured, you are probably paying too much for your building’s insurance. If you are underinsured, you face a reduced payout in the event of a claim. Insurance claims can be reduced by hundreds of thousands of pounds due to under-insurance.

We have negotiated reliable low-cost services, available to our clients, from Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors (RICS) organisations.

In the majority of cases a desktop valuation can be provided which avoids disruption to yourself or your tenants. You’ll receive a comprehensive Rebuild Cost Assessment report guiding you on how much you should insure your buildings for. This is a fantastic and affordable online service which can protect your organisation from the potentially severe consequences of underinsurance.

For more complex risks, we have negotiated heavily discounted rates with RICS companies to carry out full on-site surveys.
